The PREFcards

Your surgical operating room deserves better preference cards. The PREFcards team is committed to helping you increase surgeon satisfaction & lower surgical procedure costs.

Enhanced Surgical Management

What features set our platform apart from the rest?

Cross Platform

Access your preference cards from any laptop, desktop, mobile phone or tablet. No need to worry about forgetting to update cards…you’re able to update them right from your phone.


And with our unique QR-enabled SmartCards, just scan the QR code with any smartphone’s camera and the read-only card will pop up in your phone’s browser, perfectly optimized for your device. Simple and Brilliant.

Fully Customizable Preference Cards

Don’t let a one-size-fits-all software product limit how your preference cards are used by your facility. With our proprietary Card Builder or Surgical Preference Card Software, you’re able to customize every aspect of how your cards are organized. This allows you to determine the best practices for your surgery facility and team.

A.I. - Driven Reporting

Now that you have your inventory connected to your preference cards, you’re able to gain insight into surgical case costs by surgeon.


For instance, you’re able to view how all of your surgeons rank in costs across each procedure, and then dive into their cards to determine which items on the card are causing this price difference. This is just the beginning of the insights PREFcards will deliver to your team.

Don't Miss Your Opportunity to discover more accessible digital surgical prefcard technology.

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